Thank you for joining the session on Keep, Value, Thrive
Here you’ll find the slides and some extra resources and links that you may find useful. There are lots of free resources and information, especially for charities and CICs! Feel free to ask :-)
Thanks, Tom
Click here if you’d like to download the slides. When downloading the files you agree that:
1) These slides are owned by Tom Cleary and must not be shared or used without permission from the owner
2) These slides are for information and awareness and are not advice
Do you have a question? Send it in via this form:
Below are some examples of services that Action Hampshire and its members may find useful:
Introductory workshops
These workshops give teams an overview of wellbeing and/or mental health topics.
Time: 1hr - 1.5hrs
They can also be part of gathering data to help identify the key needs of the team and organisation.
These can be facilitated online or in-person.
They can be delivered to both smaller groups (10-15) and up to 100+ participants
There are a variety of topics available and I can help you choose the best one(s) to start with for your team.
These include:
- Introduction to Mental Health
- Introduction to Wellbeing
- Wellness Action Plans
- Introduction to Stress & Resilience
Supporting your Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAiders)
Training new Mental Health First Aiders
Refresher courses for MHFAiders
Specific upskills/courses to support & develop MHFAiders
Support & Guidance on how to best use MHFAiders
Specific topic workshops
These workshops give teams a deeper look at specific topics and help to build meaningful actions that result in change.
Time: 1hr - full day
These can be facilitated online or in-person.
They can be delivered to both smaller groups (10-15) and up to 100+ participants
Myself and my associates can offer many topic choices here. The main goal is finding the right topic and facilitation style for your team
We can create bespoke sessions based around the following topics:
Introduction to Wellbeing
Six Ways to Wellbeing
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health for Managers & Leaders
Wellness Action Plans
Stress & Anxiety
Digital Wellbeing
Work-Life Balance
Loneliness & Connection
Suicide Awareness & Prevention
And others
1 to 1 services
One-to-one sessions are a mixture of coaching and training, bringing in techniques such as Mindfulness to help with topics including burnout, anxiety etc
Sessions are carried out online over Zoom, with follow up resources where appropriate