Get ready for Movember and International Men’s Day

Men’s Health MOT, Wellbeing Workshop and Team support for Charities, Schools and Businesses

Team workshops, online or in-person. Creating a friendly, supportive environment using a combination of personal stories, lived experiences, practical information, useful resources and… humour. Because even with serious subjects, we need to find a reason to smile, remember how to help, and move forwards.

  • Why is this topic important?

    The statistics for both mental and physical health issues for men are worrying, and these are compounded by many men not seeking support:

    • Three times as many men as women die by suicide

    • Men report lower levels of life satisfaction than women, according to the Government’s national well-being survey

    • Men are less likely to access psychological therapies than women: only 36% of referrals to NHS talking therapies are for men

    Mental Health Foundation

  • Support your people

    With a 1hr - 1.5hr online or in-person session on how we can all support men’s health, both in and out of the workplace

    Creating a safe, friendly, welcoming space for everyone to discuss these important issues and help men to support themselves, and help all of us to support the men in our lives


  • I tailor sessions to suit the people within the organisations. A typical session covers:

    Time to reflect on barriers that impact men’s mental and physical health

    Exploring assumptions

    Looking at new ideas

    Sharing our experiences

    Sharing what works for us

    Coming together as a community (supporting each other)

    Planning a first step(s) to improve

  • No, we purposely invite everyone because the conversation is important for all to hear. While male-only workshops are available, often we find awareness building ones like this help many people to also support the men in their lives.Description text goes here

  • Yes, I always aim to make the workshops and talks as fitting and helpful for the people I’m talking to as possible. Please book in a time to chat to let me know what topics you’d like included.